Our Machine Shop
Our 30,000-square-foot facility in East Brady, Pennsylvania, includes a fully equipped machine shop, which enables us to perform almost any repair in-house. We also have the capabilities to perform many on-site services.
- Vertical Boring Mills – 36”, 54” and 72”
- 3-1/2”& 5” Horizontal Boring Mills
- 6” Post Mills
- Radial Drill Presses
- Cylindrical Grinders to 21″ x 198″
- Lathes to 312″ Center Distance
- Horizontal and Vertical Presses
- Turret Lathes
- 24” and 36” Shaper/Slotter
- Horizontal and Vertical Band Saws
- Milling Machines
- Surface Grinding
- Keyway Cutting to 36” Stroke
- Abrasive Blast Cleaning

Non-Destructive Testing Equipment
- Dynamic Balance Machine, 15,000# Capacity
- Portable Analyzers/Balancers
- Magnetic Particle and Dye Penetrant
- Rockwell Hardness Testing
- 3,000# PSI Hydrostatic Test Unit